
An API for interesting facts about numbers

5 is the number of platonic solids.

42 is the number of little squares forming the left side trail of Microsoft's Windows 98 logo.

October 22nd is the day in 1784 that Russia founds a colony on Kodiak Island, Alaska.
Try it out!

API Reference

Bring meaning to your metrics and stories to your dates with our API of interesting number facts.

URL Structure

Just hit to get a plain text response, where

  • type is one of trivia, math, date, or year. Defaults to trivia if omitted.
  • number is
    • an integer, or
    • the keyword random, for which we will try to return a random available fact, or
    • a day of year in the form month/day (eg. 2/29, 1/09, 04/1), if type is date
    • ranges of numbers
⇒ 42 is the result given by Google and Bing for the query "the answer to life the universe and everything".
⇒ February 29 is the day in 1504 that Christopher Columbus uses his knowledge of a lunar eclipse to convince Native Americans to provide him with supplies.
⇒ 2013 is the year that China will attempt its first unmanned Moon landing.

Usage Examples



We now have more users than <span id="number"></span>!


$.get('', function(data) {

Direct cross-origin requests like this are possible on browsers that support CORS. Live demo on JSFiddle.

JSONP supported with the query field callback:

<span id="number-fact"></span>

    function showNumber(str) {
        document.getElementById('number-fact').innerText = str;

    (function() {
        var scriptTag = document.createElement('script');
        scriptTag.async = true;
        scriptTag.src = "";

Live demo on JSFiddle.

HTML Embed

Add write to your query string to have the response text wrapped in document.write(). Now you can stick just a single <script> directly where the fact should go.

Did you know 2012 is the year that <script src=""></script>?

Note that this may degrade page load speed. Live demo on JSFiddle.

Query Parameter Options


Return the fact as a sentence fragment that can be easily included as part of a larger sentence. This means that the first word is lowercase and ending punctuation is omitted. For trivia and math, a noun phrase is returned that can be used in a sentence like "We now have more users than [fact as fragment]!".
⇒ the number of times Julius Caesar was stabbed
⇒ an estimated 500 million people worldwide watch Neil Armstrong take his historic first steps on the Moon


The notfound field tells us what to do if the number is not found. You can give us

  • default to return one of our pre-written missing messages, or a message you supply with the default query field. This is the default behaviour.
    ⇒ 314159265358979 is a boring number.
  • floor to round down to the largest number that does have an associated fact, and return that fact.
    ⇒ 35000 is the number of genes in a human being.
  • ceil, which is like floor but rounds up to the smallest number that has an associated fact.
    ⇒ 98 BC is the year that the Senate passes the Lex Caecilia Didia which bans omnibus bills.

Combine with the fragment option to produce interesting facts about, for example, the number of page shares.


The value of the `default` query field tells us what to return if we don't have a fact for the requested number.
⇒ Boring number is boring.


To use [JSONP](, pass to the `callback` query the name of the JavaScript function to be invoked. The response will be that function called on the fact text as a string literal.
⇒ showNumber("42 is the 5th Catalan number.");

See the JSONP usage example.


Returns the text response wrapped in a call to [`document.write()`]( Note that using this query parameter is equivalent to and just a shorthand of `?callback=document.write`.
⇒ document.write("42 is the 5th Catalan number.");

See the HTML embed tag usage example.

Min and Max

Restrict the range of values returned to the inclusive range [min, max] when random is given as the number.
13 is the number of provinces and territories in Canada.


Include the query parameter `json` or set the HTTP header `Content-Type` to `application/json` to return the fact and associated meta-data as a JSON object, with the properties:
  • text: A string of the fact text itself.
  • found: Boolean of whether there was a fact for the requested number.
  • number: The floating-point number that the fact pertains to. This may be useful for, eg. a /random request or notfound=floor. For a date fact, this is the 1-indexed day of a leap year (eg. 61 would be March 1st).
  • type: String of the category of the returned fact.
  • date (sometimes): A day of year associated with some year facts, as a string.
  • year (sometimes): A year associated with some date facts, as a string.
⇒ {
    "text": "2012 is the year that the century's second and last solar transit of Venus occurs on June 6.",
    "found": true,
    "number": 2012,
    "type": "year",
    "date": "June 6"

Batch Requests

To get facts about multiple numbers in one request, specify ranges for number in

A number range (inclusive) is specified as min..max. Separate multiple ranges and individual numbers with , (a comma).

The response format will always be a JSON map from numbers to facts, of at most 100 numbers. The query parameter json may still be used to specify whether individual facts will be returned as string literals or JSON objects.,10
⇒ {
    "1": "1 is the number of dimensions of a line.",
    "2": "2 is the number of polynucleotide strands in a DNA double helix.",
    "3": "3 is the number of sets needed to be won to win the whole match in volleyball.",
    "10": "10 is the highest score possible in Olympics gymnastics competitions."